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đȘ𐑂 TASK 5 : WHAT IF

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

#DEADLINE : 11/2/2021



I dreamt to enroll in business-related course ever since I was 15 years old, I have my study life planned for 10 years forward including degree or what I will be doing if I decided to quit study one day. But while waiting for SPM result, I worked at one nearby small tailoring shop and I eventually developed an interest into tailoring. So at that point, I kind of messed up my study plan, I did applied in some fashion courses, yet I got rejected since I got no related background in any of that. And how foolish I am, even while studying business, I did think to drop out because I am very into baking and culinary. Do you wonder why? The owner of the shop I worked for did not have any business background, yet she is very successful. So I was thinking about working on my interest other than business knowledge. But after some thinking, it is not a regret joining this program, I will work on my interest as side-study instead. Wishing myself to have a bright future ahead!



“What will I do or where would I be if I do not enroll in AB101” is the question that I have been asking myself for the past few weeks. I’m not quite sure on how to answer the question but I’d say that I’ll probably be continuing my studies at another university in courses that I have applied before as I had no other plans than getting my diploma. I wasn’t sure on what I wanted to pursue so I was ‘okay’ with almost everything. One thing I know is that I hated accounting (still hate it), but I guess we can’t be separated. I applied to other universities as well as other courses that I’m interested in such as Applied Communication, Cinematography and more. I’m most interested in cinematography and have been wanting to learn about it in depth. I’m honestly afraid of taking the risk because I’m not artistic at all but it won’t hurt to try right? Therefore, if I wasn’t enrolled in AB101, I’m most likely to pursue my studies in Cinematography.



If I turn back the time when I decided to join KPTM Bangi in course business management is really hard for me because I don’t have any knowledge about it.My speciality most in football.Playing football is my dreamed since I 9 years old.The day I joined this competition its already be my passion for the future.Even I not liked to watch football in tv or in smartphone,but still I can improve my skilled and think strategy in field.I happy when my friend told me that I can make many skilled like professional player as Cristiano Ronaldo,Messi and Neymar.I only watched their clip video and always trained so that my skill is exactly as them.I don’t now why,when I saw their video clip skilled football I can memorise on the spot.I think it is one of my speciality also.Even I already joined KPTM Bangi but still try my best to maked my dream come true.Football is not just a sport to me,growing up that’s all I wanted to do was play football.Football has shaped my life in many ways and had huge impact on my values and beliefs.Football increase my confidence and demeanor.I’ve learned to think about others first and not just myself,and how important working hard is being around my friend and working out all the blood and sweat.If I not enrolled in Business Management maybe I will join academy football because I already receive email that I was accepted.I can be a professional player even still in acacemy I will try harder in any tournament I join.After graduated I really want to become playerfrom team JDT because their facilities is in international class also their training.I am not from rich family,so if I can make my dream come true it will make my parent happy.We all know that player get a high salary.It just a dream for me because I already enrolled in business management.I hope I choose the right path to change my future.



It’s crush time back in the day I have to decide in which institution should I enroll in. If I am not enrolled in AB101, I would like start a fashion business. Fashion is one my passion because I always love to keep up on new fashion trend. I will do some shopping on the new fashion and sell it back as preloved items, via social media such Instagram or Facebook. Somehow, I still can continue my business journey even though I’ve been enrolled in AB101. Despite of many some side income, I can actually discipline myself to excel in time management study and business. With this, I can be more a successful business woman and I will also open a fashion company or fashion business sponsored by me. So that, everyone can purchase my fashion collection and fashionable interest. I feel like very special and good when someone who buy my stuff. Hope I will succeed in the future.



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